This blog has been used for two purposes. The first is just for myself, as a way to deeper understand and learn from what I am going through. The second area is for external purposes. These include helping people in a similar situation by sharing what I’m finding and how I‘m approaching things, so that others can improve upon and then hopefully share back what they have learned. This has happened several times. The latest being the additional links on elevator speeches that were provided for sharing with others.

On occasion, I publish links to the blog through my Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. For social networking those are the big three that I use. I try to keep a fairly constant presence on these. Linking back my latest Twitter posts to my blog.

One of the ways that I provide value on the internet is by sharing thought provoking articles. Over the last couple of months I have grown to find Google reader invaluable in keeping up on articles and blog posts.

Writing has also been a way of networking. The first was by creating a two part blog posting for a international systems thinking organization that I have been associated with for many years. I also write short reviews of other’s blog posting on this site. This keeps my name out in front people and the published articles are now a part of resume.
I have mentioned in this blog several times my attendance at the Monday WorkSource Networking meeting. This has been informative mostly due to things things. First is the speakers that are brought in are interesting and usually have information very pertinent to our situation. The people that attend and hearing how they are coping or the ideas they have come across have also been very valuable.
I have also started working as a part of the leadership team of the ITIL Pacific Northwest LIG. ITIL stands for IT infrastructure library, this is an international set of best practices for the IT industry. The LIG or local interest group is a professional organization that gets together once per quarter with a guest speaker. The organization is just getting started up again, so I’m helping with the organizing and attending.
Another avenue of networking is the alumni group of my Master’s degree. There is a couple events coming up and I have been considering volunteering for the alumni group organizing team. My last area of networking is in volunteering my time as a guest speaker for a local community college staff workshop.
In the next few posts, I will go into more depth how I’m using these different tools and areas for networking. Would love to hear how you are using these different tools for networking.
I’m convinced that this isn’t just for finding a job. Networking is something that we need to learn to incorporate into everything that we do from being parents or students to being a salesman to being a average Joe worker networking is important and powerful in today’s connected world.
Today’s quote:
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
Mother Theresa
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