Apparently, the spleen takes over for the liver as it loses functionality, but in order to do that that the blood supply is re-engineered and a mass of intricate blood vessels is created. These all had to be removed and I presume sealed so that they don’t leak.
Everything went great. Trisha now owns a scar that goes all the way across her belly like a big arching rainbow. Since the operation she has been up and walked around. It will take weeks to recover, but she states that she is feeling good.
I talked to my brother last week about Share Life, the organization formed to raise money to support the non-insurance covered expenses of the operation. He indicated that they had raised around $15,000 dollars so far. 5 radio stations in Montana are supporting with advertisements and sales events have been held around Montana. They are looking to turn this into an ongoing 501C3 corporation in order to help others in this same situation.
The recovery is long for both Lynda and Trisha. Also more operations will be needed for Trisha as this was all to get her ready to under go the removal of her colon as a way to stop her underlying disease. So your prayers are still very much needed and appreciated.
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LiveJournal Tags: Digestive Disorders,Liver,LIver Transplant,Live donor,Montana,Trisha,Ulerative Colitis,Share Life

I’m really like it! Very, very dgdeeac good!