No longer looking for work. Still trying to stay healthy and finish the remodel. And moving on to the next adventures. Sharing what's going on.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Day 236- Transition - Networking Part IV
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After thinking about it for a while I think I have come up with a way to proceed with the networking series. By looking at the actions that I consider networking I could then look at how I am doing these actions and what tools that I am using to accomplish these. These allowed me to put together a structure to follow over the next few post.
To begin let’s review the definition for networking proposed in the last post:
The activities involved with accomplishing things through people and relating to others. This includes building your social network, using tools like Internet social networking tools, building communities, and maintaining your network.
For the job hunting that I’m doing the purpose of networking is two fold. First, the doing things through people is using my network to connect with those who have positions or information about positions. To get good ideas from people about what I should be doing.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Remodel–On to Sheet Rocking
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The last update on the remodel was given on October 16 and name “slow going”, and slow going it has been. Many reasons for this. The first and foremost reason is that the job search is a never ending job and it is the first priority. Following right behind this is housekeeping and getting meals on the table. In order to get where I’m at I had to lower my priority for working out, since I had a foot injury during much of this time it was a natural trade off. Also the house cleaning and food prep could have used a bit more attention over the last few months.
The majority of my time has been sunk into looking for a job. And instead of this taking less time it seems like it is taking more and more time, as it goes on longer and I get more worried.
Well with all of that, I have managed to complete:
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Day 228–Transition–Breaking the Code?
Image via Wikipedia
It has been busy last few weeks. I have wanted to continue on with my networking series of posts, but have not had the time to get back to it. There are several reasons for this. It is the beginning of the Holiday season so going through Thanksgiving took some time away from my normal activities. I also pushed to get the remodel to the point that the sheet rocker can come in. All the cabling and electrical work in the walls is complete.
But the larger reason is two fold. The first is that I think companies are more interested in hiring people, maybe it is a end of the year push or a beginning of the year push, but it has seemed to change in the last couple of months. Companies who are hunkering down to weather bad times, tend not to hire people like me that help with improving their efficiency and productivity. They need people that can keep the factory up and running and not much else. Now people are looking at capturing efficiencies so that they don’t overhire people and so that they can work on the backlog of improvements and changes that have piled up over the last couple years.
The second area that I think has changed is the way that I am applying for jobs. I think I may have finally cracked the code on getting my resume to be seen by people.