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The last update on the remodel was given on October 16 and name “slow going”, and slow going it has been. Many reasons for this. The first and foremost reason is that the job search is a never ending job and it is the first priority. Following right behind this is housekeeping and getting meals on the table. In order to get where I’m at I had to lower my priority for working out, since I had a foot injury during much of this time it was a natural trade off. Also the house cleaning and food prep could have used a bit more attention over the last few months.
The majority of my time has been sunk into looking for a job. And instead of this taking less time it seems like it is taking more and more time, as it goes on longer and I get more worried.
Well with all of that, I have managed to complete:
- Electrical modification of new kitchenette area
- Electrical modification of TV area.
- Electrical modification of new Desk area
- New lights in ceiling and dimmers in family room.
- New light for kitchenette
- Rewired old phone jacks and added new jack for desk area.
- Internet cable in the walls for TV and entertainment center and desk area.
- Speaker wires in the wall for surround sound.
- Sealed all outside wall areas from inside.
- New cable TV wiring in walls
- Created a wiring closet which will house internet cable, TV distribution for house, and internet wiring and wireless distribution for house.
- New insulation in all exterior walls.
- Added insulation in interior walls for sound reduction.
- Added insulation around heating ducts
- Sealed around fireplace
The speaker and internet wiring is in the walls, but in many cases will need to have the ends put on after the sheet rock is up.
The electrical work was the biggest hold up. At first I thought I needed to add a new circuit, but later figured out that I could use what was in place and it should be sufficient. This took about a month of mental work to figure out. I was afraid of making a major mistake here, so I made sure that I was thinking about it right before proceeding.
I have odds and ends to complete, but for the most part my work is done for this phase. I have contacted the person that will be doing our sheetrock, he is out of town this week, but hopefully next week we can arrange time for him to come in.
Once that is done we can have the cabinets put up and begin the finish work on the family room. Also we are holding off starting the master bath until we get some of the other areas more complete. It would be nice to increase our living area before proceeding much farther.
While the remodel won’t be complete by then, I’m getting excited about the possibility of having a super bowl party. Of course it would need to be on a broadcast channel that we can get, but we can hope. I guess I should watch some football at least enough to see who is in the running.
Here are a few pictures of the progress:
This is going to be the TV area. Going from left to right on the top row the first box is internet connection, power, cable TV, and then the green far right box is 2 HDMI cable connectors. The TV, of course will be mounted high on the wall. The middle two boxes are HDMI on the right and green box. Next to it on the left is the speaker distribution panel for the surround sound. Bottom row is power and internet cable.
This are is the new kitchenette area. The lowest plug will be for the refrigerator. Middle plug for counter top items like popcorn popper. And the top plug for microwave. On the right is a new light switch for a light over the sink and counter area.
This area will be the new desk area. Various plugins have been added for above and below both the counter top and the cabinets. The cabinet plugins are for lights. Have also added boxes for internet and phone jacks.
In the family room added 9 canister lights connected to two dimmers to control the lighting when watching a movie. I love how much brighter it looks down here.
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