My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This isn’t my favorite type of book to read, but this is a very important book for all to read. To understand a little more about what happened to the Jewish people during the Nazi Death camps is something that we all need. We have to try to somehow understand how and why this came about so that we can stop it from happening.
I cannot fathom how humans can treat other humans as describe in this book. I cannot fathom how people could have lived through this time. How people could perform acts of pure evil on another, I cannot comprehend. I guess if you convince yourself that the other is not human, or that we are somehow above the other, then this is the consequence that comes from it.
I guess this is how we could have slaves for so many years in the US. I guess this is why the sex trade is alive and well in this day of age. Why white slavery still exists today, even here in the US. Why ethnic cleansing is going on now.
This book isn’t about something that ended years ago. This is a book about how people act when they no longer see humanity in others. And just maybe when they lose touch with humanity in themselves. This book is about current events. Not just in other parts of the world, but right here in the good old US of A.
Wiesel was awarded a well-deserved Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. This book is not fun to read, I could only take so much at a time and then I had to put it down. But don’t let this detour you, please get a copy and make yourself read it.
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