The exercise of creating an elevator speech is a fantastic exercise. In the time since I have created mine, I have not repeated the full speech yet, but I use it on a regular basis. I my LinkedIn site rewrote using information from this. I constantly rewrite my resume with each job application using the knowledge of my elevator speech to keep the words sharp and crisp. And I have used the information in interviews (in person and on the phone) and other person to person interactions.
The exercise puts your thinking into a concrete form that is readily accessible. Reducing the number of words you are using forces you to prioritize and reduce to your truly essential message.
I’m learning that I did of lousy job of marketing my talents in the years leading up to my layoff. This lack of marketing has made it much harder to play catch up now in trying to convince people of my skills and talents. For this reason, I highly recommend this exercise, even if you are not looking for a job now, as a tool to use in developing and maintaining your network and in marketing your skills and aspirations now.
Today I received the following email and thought I would pass on the additional resource which include a wealth of additional resources.
My name is Pierce XXXXXX and I wanted to provide feedback on your page, <other-dribblings.blogspot.com>. I'm not sure if you're the right person to contact, but I wanted to tell you that since I have been working on creating some new Elevator Pitch resources for an MBA class, and your page was a great source of information.Thank you Pierce for taking to the time to send this. I’ve looked at these and they are great great.
As a thank you, I thought I would pass along this additional resource I have been using as well in case you were looking to add more to your page. I have been using material from this page, http://www.guidetoonlinemba.com/tips-and-tools/elevator-pitch. It has a ton of great elevator pitch resources, including competitions and writing resources that you and your users may find useful!
Thanks Again,
Here are some additional resources below, some will take a little translation to use in the job hunting realm, but I think they all apply.
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