Woke up early and started working on my Resume rewrite; I was primed and ready after the day of gather information and researching careers Friday.
Leaving the resume workshop on Wednesday, I had an uneasy feeling about the combination format that Charles Collins was recommending. I started in doing just exactly what he said and by late morning I had a pretty good draft. This new format is exciting, because it does a great job of accenting the skills and accomplishments that I want without boring the reader. There is more work needed, which I plan on completing tomorrow morning. My creativity and concentration is highest in the morning, so I like to reserve this time for work like resume preparation.
I also sent out a request for recommendations on LinkedIn to all my connections. Several people responded within a few moments. Some that I don’t know all the well responded; I added them to my network so that I could get to know them, and now I'm all the more intrigued about someone so willing to help. A dear friend, from my masters program, supplied an excellent response within just a few hours. Others have offered help and coaching. Once again, my chalice of gratefulness runs over. The saying “Ask and you shall receive” is very true for me tonight.
Also, I’m noticing that many of the people that respond the fastest are people that have been through this before. Then have been here and must remember how good it feels when others reach out. This is a lesson that I am learning in Spades.
Attended the movie Avatar in 3D as a deserved night out. The movie was OK, but loved the 3D and animation effects, I have to say no on best picture.
Tomorrow: Continue on the resume track
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