Two days today instead of just one. Missed yesterday and thought I would add it on to today. I spent most of the day doing other things (like watching Duke earn their spot in the final four).
One of the problems with my searches is getting so many job possibilities that there is no way to get through them all. I have been limited searches as much as I can, like using only jobs that have been posted in the last 24 hours. Searching on terms like change management creates a problem in that it brings up every management position as well as any job with the word change in it and this creates a list of positions that is impossible to get through. Yesterday I learned that if I put this in quotes as “Change Management” then it brings up only those jobs with the whole phrase. This has helped quite a bit, I have several of these phrases—one having the word development in it that brings up hoards of software development jobs. Learning to use quotes to limit the searches further was a big learning yesterday. In the process, I found one job that I’m interested in applying for, though I haven’t gotten to it yet.
Also yesterday, I started thinking about what all I need to do to be prepared for life after Boeing. Thinking about what type of computing equipment and software I will need. What other things like cleaning out my desk and get my personal affects brought home. I also have personal information on my work computer that I would like to save. I will need to get a new mobile phone (need to do this before losing the Boeing discounts).
I have been exclusively using a gmail account for job searching related activities. This is account is listed on my resume. I also have a Google Voice account, this allows me a private phone number supplied by Google that I can use for free calling across the US and can forward to any physical phone I want. When someone calls my number it rings on all my phones not just one. So I can have it forward to my home phone and my mobile. When I leave Boeing, I will need to change mobile phones, but the number on my resume will stay current. I have also been getting my Google calendar ready to be used more. I guess it is ready, I just getting my head around what this means and what I need to do to make it ready.
I have some other smaller things that I have listed that need to be completed. I also have to sign up for cobra about two weeks before my layoff date—I think this is the Friday after next.
Today, I was using what I learned yesterday in my searching. I now have 11 companies that I search directly on their job sites. Today I found 4 or 5 jobs that I want to take another look at and possibly apply for. I have 8 aggregators that I use that I have not gotten through yet, but I pick one and see how far I get. Like today I used Simply Hired (which is my favorite) I got 82 jobs listed I the last 24 hours to sift through. This is great it has been like 5 to 8 hundred. I was able to go through the 80 job quickly and I think I picked 4 that I wanted to read through and get more information. In this process, I decided to add AT&T to my search list and found 3 positions to look more closely at. And then I notice that several of the job where coming from a place call JobFox. So I added my resume to this place.
It turns out that JobFox has a free service and then they have a pay for service area. After I entered my resume it asked a lot of questions to determine more information. I’m not sure of the service, after answering the questions they provide a list of jobs. Some of these were way off, and based on a job history of 15 years ago. So my feelings of this site are mixed right now. If I can adjust the information that they have and make it more relevant to my job history then I think it will be good. If not, then I may have hurt myself by entering my resume on the site because of the erroneous jobs that it is linking me up to.
Over the last week or so the amount of exercise that I have been getting has been dwindling, so I have recommitted to keeping this up. Today, I got up early and went to the “Y” before work. :) I hope to continue this—which means I have to get myself to bed at a decent hour.
No change in the job numbers though the inSite group went up by one. Tomorrow, having a virtual meeting with others that have received their warn notices. About 10 people have indicated they want to attend. The whole inSite group is invited. It will be interesting to see how many people call in.
Tomorrow: Prep for meeting, check out the positions I have waiting in job queues.
inSite Group 53
Jobs applied for: 27
Rejections: 7
Job Posting withdrawn: 1
Interviews: 1
Group went up by one.
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