I don’t think I have it yet. I don’t think that I have found that ease of process that indicates that I know what I am doing and that I am doing it to the best of my ability.
My day isn’t structured correctly yet. I haven’t figured out how to get my job searching, household chores, and exercising done in an efficient manner yet. I’m not achieving the level of job searching that I want to be at. I’m starting to get caught up on the searching, and I can see the rhythm is getting closer, but with each day comes a little frustration that I haven’t gotten more done.
I’m starting to think of adjustments to the cleaning routine that will buy a little more time. Doing some things once a week instead of twice a week and maybe some other every other week instead of once a week. These little adjustments can make big differences.
I have also been exercises mid day, which makes a nice break and pick me up from doing computer work in the morning.
I think I may have to structure my daily calendar, so that I have set times for doing the different things I want to do. It is easy to start answering emails and stray into a black hole of cyber net and lose track of an hour or a morning.
Yesterday, I met with my TAA advisor at the WorkSource office, Washington’s unemployment office. The education portion of TAA has been deferred for the time being. TAA will pay up to 25K for me to get retrained (with stipulations) but I would have to go full time. I’m not sure that we are in a position for having me in school full time right now. So by deferring these benefits, I can still use them later if I change my mind.
One of the nice benefits of the TAA is that the schooling could be used years down the line. Say I find another job and 2 years from now they lay me off. At that time, I would be able to use the education benefits from TAA to retrain. I thought I was completely signed up before, but now after signing another big batch of papers, now, I am officially signed up. This was a two hour meeting that because of travel and prep ended up taking about 4 hours.
Then today, I spent a couple hours adjusting my job log so that it will better include the information that the state will need. Since I was working in Open Office this took a while longer than it should have. But in the end it is working well and i learn a lot about Open Office Calc.
I also received the Cobra information from Boeing this week. It made little to no sense. I have to call into the Boeing Service line to get signed up. Others have said these people are very helpful, they make sense of it all. This will use up another chunk of time to read through this information and then call the service center and get it taken care of.
My exercising is going well. Some people claim that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit or an ingrained behavior. I’m not sure if there is a number that you can pulled out of your hat and say it works for everything. Sixteen years ago when I stopped smoking it took a lot longer than 21 days to get over it.
It takes many times repeating a behavior before it feels natural. In some ways you act yourself into new behaviors. You just start doing it and ignore the discomfort until it goes away. My exercising is going well, because I have been able to consistently stick with it;I have been able the resist the “let’s not do it now” voice that tries to derail my efforts. I’m wanting to lift weights every third day, and then do an average of 30 minutes per day of aerobic exercise. Even with taking last weekend off due to traveling, I was well above the 1/2 hour average. And I have gone and lifted the weights as planned. Though I could increase the amount that I have been lifting, I haven’t because I’m more concerned with getting the regular schedule going than how much I’m lifting. The weights will increase in due time.
I need to get over these chunks of times that I’m expending right now getting started again since the layoff: having to put my resume into Boeing again, going to WorkSource for this first long initial meeting, setting up cobra and getting my job log in compliance with the state requirements. Other areas that are taking extra time concern the cleaning and meals and associated processes; these will be an area of big change as I get over the initial learning curve. Hopefully, the family can live on my cooking until I learn how to do it better.
The exercising is seeming to be grooving well. Job searching and household chores need some work; I’m missing the groove here. It is important to get these down so that I can also make some headway on remodeling the house.
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