Today my hope spiked because I had a 1/2 phone interview, that might lead to an actual interview. After a three months of this with very few responses, it is easy to feel that there isn’t much going on out there and that I have somehow got caught in hiring desert.
I’m not allowing myself to get too excited, because chances are that I will not hear from them again, chances are that I am one of 50 people and the other 49 are all Rhode scholars.
Is that the best plan of attack, to not get excited to figure the my chances are dim? Hold myself down so that after two weeks of not hearing, I can say well good thing I didn’t get overly excited about it. That sounds like something a parent would say, not a kid.
Or would it be better to get excited. It has been over a month of hearing nothing, getting excited for a few days might be a good change of pace. The excitement is bound to wear off on it’s own. And if I don’t hear for weeks, I can assume that the excitement will have already faded.
If the excitement would cause to slow down my process of finding employment then it would be good to stay contained and calm.
Maybe I can channel the excitement to propel me into doing good preparation for an interview and provide me emphasis for getting more job applications in, since if I only have a little time before getting this interview it would be nice to have another interview lined up at the same time.
When I let me dog out in the back yard, he runs as fast as he can, barking at the top of his lungs “I’m on duty you slimy birds, you best get out of my yard. NOW!” He does this every time. He doesn’t saunter out in a calm collected fashion and upon seeing bird take off. No, he takes off at full speed and only slows down when not slowing down bodily harm by barreling into the fence at full speed.
Maybe I can learn from my dog. His way of living has a lot of benefits. Though I best not take up his sleeping habits.
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